Friday, September 11, 2009

Day Eleven

The reality is, I don't have something interesting to say every single day of the month. So I'm just going to tell you about my day. 

This morning I woke up at 8:30 (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!?). Then my writing partner and I had a phone interview that lasted 21 minutes. (I know, I'm RARELY on the phone for that long(my ear got so HOT!!!!)).

Then I went on my computer for a while. I got some emails. (Nothing interesting). Then Savitri came over and we went and got lunch at Gelson's. (sandwich for me, I'm not telling for her). 

Then, you'll never guess. We watched TWO episodes of Mad Men (Don Draper is so HAND-SOME!!!!!). Also, some crazy shit happened on the show (Peggy totally got HIGH! like on MARIJUANA!!!!)

Then, it was RIGHT NOW!!!! And I'm blogging and Savitri is watching So You Think You Can Dance on the TiVOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

oooh boy, I'm exhausted. Such a looooooooong day.

Next up, UMAMI Burger. Woo hoo!!!


  1. It's getting worse. Should I just kick you in the balls now and get it over with?

  2. it's not about good/bad it's only about completion of the task.
