Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day Nineteen - In Which Our Hero Starts To Lose Count

Fuck, my fucking back hurts so fucking bad. Fuck, man. It's like there's a bunch of fucking tightness around my fucking shoulder blades. And I'm like "Fuck, shoulder blades. Chill the fuck out." But they're just like, "Fuck you" and then they wrench up tighter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I tried to drink to relax it, but no fucking dice. Then I try to lie down to make it feel better, but the couch is like "fuck you, I'm not comfortable. Also, I'm a talking couch" I should smoke pot, but I don't really fucking do that and I don't fucking have any. Fuck. God, my fucking back. It really fucking hurts. Not like hospital pain, but enough that I'm like, "Fuck, how do I make this not fucking hurt anymore?" Oh well, guess I'll have to get a new one. 


Tomorrow I'll write about why I'm so fucking depressed. Physical pain one day, emotional the next. Hooray!

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