Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day Two

I'm one day closer to thirty and have a potentially huge meeting tomorrow, but I'm taking time out from my preparations to post rambling writings on a webpage. I guess when you consider priorities, not getting kicked in the balls outweighs pretty much everything. Although, my day spent poolside forced the idea of blogging to the back seat, temporarily. 

I think the hardest part of this challenge will be figuring out what to write about. ... (Bear with me, I know writing about writing is not an interesting subject)  .... "Blog topics" don't just naturally pop into my head, although I imagine with some practice they will. Until that process gets a little easier I imagine I'll begin most of these posts talking about "not getting kicked in the balls" or "what the fuck am I going to blog about."  Which is going to make for a dreadfully bad blog. 

There are other equally boring starting topics, which include "what I ate today" "what I dreamt about last night" or "things on my desk." (1- Pizza, 2- don't remember, 3- a pizza box ). But I hope to never have to resort to writing an entire post about the really cheap pizza place down the street from my apartment at which I eat approximately twice a week and whose boxes generally end up stacked in my kitchen waiting for me to take the trash out.  And I hope to not once ever, even as a joke, mention a dream I had. I generally agree with the philosophy that hearing about dreams is boring, but also think that hearing people talk about how boring dreams are is quite possibly more boring. 

So, I guess I'll have to look for inspiration some other way. Perhaps I'll write about my bodily functions, it might be the easiest way to get a joke or two in, I'm certainly not going to write about politics. I guess I could write about what it feels like to be turning 30, but the honest truth is I've felt 30 for about six months. Once you're standing in a bar complaining that the music is too loud and yawning at 11pm you realize that you may as well round up, because your body is already there. 

So I continue my march of 30 days which I'm now relating to my march to old  age. Until tomorrow, when I tell  you all about Cheech's pizza down the street. And the magical unicorns that fill my mind at night.

I love you. 

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