Monday, September 14, 2009

Day Fourteen

I hate writing about this, but:

I haven't seen it, but last night Kanye West apparently jumped on stage and ruined somebody else's big moment at the MTV VMA's. I know about this because I use Facebook and Twitter. A lot of my friends are pretty worked up about this injustice. Apparently, Kanye West is both crazy and something of an asshole. And the people are livid.

I'm also pretty upset about this incident, but what really bugs me about is that I know about it. People I know really still watch the MTV Video Music Awards? Really? They do that? I turn 30 in almost exactly two weeks and I will occasionally watch MTV for some brief entertainment, but I do my best not to get  invested in what they're doing. So while I agree that it sounds like what Kanye did was pretty rude, maybe it shouldn't have ended up on our radar. The MTV awards are produced by MTV and I believe they're voted on by does what anybody does at the awards matter? And also, Kanye is a do I care about what happened today?

I'm not going to get high and mighty and say "there are more important things going on." I watch a ton of sports. And those don't matter either, but the Kanye West incident just seems so childish. Do we all really care what he did? I think Taylor Swift should care. And I think the other musicians should care. But Kanye West does not affect our lives. Let's all be 30 and hold on to our appreciation of music, but let go of our fascination with the storylines. That seems like a good solution.

Maybe I should quit facebook...but then I don't know what I'd do with my time. 

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