Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day Fifteen - Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Halfway home, fuckers. 

Today I'm saying goodbye to someone who has been a part of my life for a long time. 

I've known Sean for more than a decade. We first met in high school, we lived miles apart, but somehow made a connection and held onto a friendship through college (he didn't go to college, but still). 

After college Sean and I lived together until I made the move back to LA. We've kept in touch through the years and have both had some pretty cool successes and it's been fun to share that. Similarly we both had some crashes that mirrored each other a bit, so I think I've always felt a kinship with him in that way. 

Recently, Sean, who is a musician, has been starting up a new band. This process put him in a situation where he had to move out of his place in San Diego, but he wasn't yet sure where he'd ultimately be landing so he needed a temporary situation. Sean left his apartment and posted up in my living room for three days a week, thinking that if he had to stay in LA we'd look for something a little bit more permanent. His work ended up taking him to Georgia and Arizona for 8 months. In the meantime, he left his beautiful 47" HD TV in my living room. For the last 8 months I've been the keeper of this television and I've enjoyed it's pleasures in ways I never thought possible. 

But tonight Sean is taking his television and with it he's taking a piece of my heart. I've been gently comforting the TV all day. We talked about all the good times we had. Like the time that I watched hockey on it. Or the time that I played my Playstation 3 on it. And we laughed. The TV told me it wants to stay, it told me that Sean doesn't love it the way I do, but I told it "no." He'll remember the good times with Sean and the scar of being abandoned will heal and eventually I'll get a new TV. But not anytime soon. 

I'm not happy about going back to standard definition, but it worked fine for me before. Someday when  HD TVs are cheaper or I change my mind about them being overpriced I'll go back. But for today, it's goodbye.

I bet you thought at the beginning of this post that I was saying goodbye to Sean. Well, I am. I'm really fucking mad at him for taking his TV back, so fuck that guy. 



If you love something, set it free, if it comes back and it was an inanimate object to begin with, be a little freaked out by that. 

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