Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day Twenty Seven

Our fantasy baseball season mercifully came to an end today. Dallas beat Joe Quadres in two straight games to claim the Sabo cup for the fourth time. I'd like to compare Dallas to the Yankees of our fantasy league, but that's not exactly accurate. The Yankees have tradition and class, Dallas has, well, he doesn't have tradition and class is not his strong suit. When he won today he sent me a text that said "Number 4 A-hole."

So that was nice of him.

Personally, I had my worst year ever. Some bad luck and some injuries had me in last place from the get go. I hope to someday win the trophy back, but for now I'll have to make myself content with my great apartment and cool job.

Now I'll spend the next few months pretending to care about things other than my fantasy baseball team. I'll talk about restaurants and politics and other sports, but if you look closely you'll see a deadness in my eyes. It's not your imagination, I'm faking it.

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